Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the little bee catchers

Yes, the photograph is wanting. Badly focused and bad lighting, but you cannot miss the innocence and the camaraderie between the two lads. The little one is Shahrukh Khan and the older one is Akshay Kumar. They proudly informed me that they had a brother Salman Khan. You are wondering now what these celebrities were doing in my house and together (the real ones are no longer on the best of terms, if page 3 gossip is to be believed). They are the little bee catchers. They came to ask me to shut my window because some neighbour had engaged their services. I asked them if they got stung often, but they were nonchalant and informed me that they had been trained well by their parents.

Now the question, I have often asked myself. Should I call the child welfare helpline and report? Will the authorities or NGO’s or whoever take some action? I don’t know and I am hesitating. Frankly I don’t have any idea what exactly will be done to help these children. I don’t want to experiment without knowing the consequences. Will they be taken away from their parents? Will the parents get into trouble? I don’t know. But halfway through writing this post, I decided that I could not ignore the issue either and decided to write a mail to dial1098@childlineindia.org.in and inform them. I am a little wary. I don’t want to meddle if no good will come of it, but I am hoping for the best.


Lipika Mohapatra said...

Hello There, you have taken the right steps by e-mailing them and also by sharing the story here.

Anjana Viswanathan said...

thankyou lipika for dropping by and also for the encouraging comment.

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